All Madison County Democrats and Progressives are invited to join us this Wednesday and Thursday at 7pm at the Sports Page restaurant in Winterset for a Debate Watch Party! We’ll eat dinner first (order off the menu and pay individually) and then watch the debate on the big screen from 8pm to 10pm. Information about the debate can be found here. We’ve been notified that a reporter from Iowa Starting Line will join us for both nights of the debate to capture some of our impressions. Hope to see you there!
Madison County Fair, July 17-21
The Madison County Democrats will have our building on the fairgrounds open during the fair, with a variety of fun activities and guests being planned. Volunteers are needed for shifts to cover the building, as well as donations of lemonade mix and cookies. More information coming soon!
RAGBRAI, July 22
Since we’ll be all set up at our building during the fair, and RAGBRAI is stopping overnight in Winterset the next day, we’ll have our building open to meet and greet with visitors from 3pm to midnight on July 22. Lots of people will use that area for camping, so we think it will be a great spot to offer a charging station for mobile devices. We’ve also designed a “Ride Blue” bandana for bikers to purchase for just $5 each.
July Meeting, July 25
Our July meeting will be held on Thursday, July 25th at 6:30 pm in the back room of the Sports Page restaurant in Winterset. Attendees are encouraged to gather at 5:30 to eat (order off the menu and pay individually) before we meet.
Attention Campaign Staffers
If you would like the Madison County Democrats to help promote a local event, or if you’d like to attend one of our monthly meetings, please read our Candidate Promotion Policy. Thanks for your interest, and we look forward to hearing from you during this exciting race!